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File extension Details of 8BE, 8BC, 8BE, 8BF, AAD, ADN, AEP, AIP, AIP

File Type:Plug-in filter for Adobe-compatible paint program
Category:Plugin file
File Description:Plug-in filter for Adobe-compatible paint program (PhotoShop Export Plugin)
Open Programs:

Adobe Photoshop

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe® Photoshop®

Adobe® Photoshop® is the professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line, delivers more of what you crave. Groundbreaking creative tools help you achieve extraordinary results. Unprecedented adaptability lets you custom-fit Photoshop to the way you work. And with more efficient editing, processing, and file handling, there's no slowing you down.

File Type:Adobe Photoshop 5.0 Sdk Plugins file
Category:Plugin file
File Description:Adds extra functions, such as additional image effects, to Photoshop.
Open Programs:

Adobe Photoshop

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe® Photoshop®

Adobe® Photoshop® is the professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line, delivers more of what you crave. Groundbreaking creative tools help you achieve extraordinary results. Unprecedented adaptability lets you custom-fit Photoshop to the way you work. And with more efficient editing, processing, and file handling, there's no slowing you down.

File Type:Adobe PhotoDeluxe Plug-in
Category:Plugin file
File Description:Adds extra functions in Adobe PhotoDeluxe
Open Programs:

Adobe PhotoDeluxe

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

File Type:Plug-in filter for Adobe-compatible paint programs dll
Category:Plugin file
File Description:Plugin files used by Adobe compatible applications.

A plug-in is a computer program that interacts with a host application (a web browser or an email client, for example) to provide a certain, usually very specific, function "on demand". Applications support plugins for many reasons. Some of the main reasons include: enabling third-party developers to create capabilities to extend an application, to support features yet unforeseen, to reduce the size of an application, and to separate source code from an application because of incompatible software licenses.
Open Programs:

Adobe Photoshop

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe® Photoshop®

Adobe® Photoshop® is the professional image-editing standard and leader of the Photoshop digital imaging line, delivers more of what you crave. Groundbreaking creative tools help you achieve extraordinary results. Unprecedented adaptability lets you custom-fit Photoshop to the way you work. And with more efficient editing, processing, and file handling, there's no slowing you down.

File Type:Audible download plugin
Category:Plugin file
File Description:File extension is used by Audible applications.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Audible, Inc.

AudibleManager allows you to:

  • download Audible audio to your computer,
  • transfer audio from your computer to your mobile audio player,
  • burn audio to CD,
  • listen to Audible audio on your PC,
  • manage audio on your mobile audio player.
File Type:Lotus 1-2-3 add-in file
Category:Plugin file
File Description:Lotus 1-2-3 add-in file (between an overlay and a DLL).
Open Programs:

Lotus 1-2-3

Company / developer:
  IBM Corporation

Lotus 1-2-3 Productivity Features
  • Speech-enabled SmartMaster templates: Voice-activated 1-2-3 SmartMaster templates let users move quickly through common tasks such expense reporting or loan amortization. (Note: IBM ViaVoice is not included.)
  • Improved compatibility with Microsoft Excel: Enhanced filters provide better-than-ever read and write compatibility with Microsoft Excel files up to and including Excel 2000. Lotus 1-2-3 Release 9.8 reads and writes Excel text, numbers, formulas, formatting, drawings and charts. The Excel Menu finder also trains new 1-2-3 users to navigate 1-2-3.
  • @Functions provide analytical power and improved Microsoft Excel compatibility.
  • Copy and move worksheets: Lotus 1-2-3 allows users to move and copy entire worksheets. Users can drag the sheet to the desired destination or use the menu.
  • SmartLabels: In 1-2-3 Release 9.8, SmartLabels let users summarize a range by typing “Total.” Now, 1-2-3 also recognizes more than a dozen predefined terms such as “Subtotal,” “Maximum” and “Average,” making formula building faster and easier. Users can also add terms, assign synonyms and customize the list of SmartLabels.
  • Automatic SmartFill: Filling a range with a sequence of text, dates or times is quicker and easier than ever with SmartFill. 1-23 Release 9.8 anticipates what users would like to type and enters suggested text. If “April” is entered in a cell and “M” is typed in the next cell, 1-2-3 automatically adds “ay” and waits for the user to accept it or type different text.
  • More rows: 1-2-3 Release 9.8 worksheets have 65,536 rows.
  • Ask the Expert provides detailed answers to users' questions, even if they are entered in the user's own words.
  • Excel Menu Finder makes it easy for Excel users to work in Lotus 1-2-3. Users simply choose an Excel command to display the name of the equivalent 1-2-3 command.
  • Technology: With 1-2-3 Release 9.8, workbooks can be launched and edited in Active Document containers such as Internet Explorer or Lotus Notes 4.6. In addition, users can embed and automate Active-X controls directly into 1-2-3.
  • Euro currency support: 1-2-3 Release 9.8 supports the Euro currency. SmartSuite continues to support the ECU as well as the Euro. The currency is supported in cells and charts.
  • Copy/Paste: 1-2-3 Release 9.8 can copy row heights and column widths to locations in the spreadsheet, saving setup time.
  • Data validation add-in: Lotus 1-2-3 Release 9.8 allows users to set criteria to restrict the type of data they can enter in a cell or range of cells. With the Data Validation Add-in, users restrict cell entries by making sure that the type of data entered meets a particular condition.
  • Auto Save: Lotus 1-2-3 Release 9.8 helps minimize data loss if a computer loses power. Users can have 1-2-3 automatically save changes to open files at regular intervals.
  • Keyboard switching: Lotus 1-2-3 Release 9.8 allows users to switch to different keyboard layouts while editing a file. This feature is handy for international users.
Internet Integration
  • Web tables: 1-2-3 Release 9.8’s Web tables enable users to send and pull useful data from any table on any HTML page of the Internet or corporate intranet and deliver it directly into a workbook. Stock quotes, for example, can be extracted live from a Web page and pulled into an investment portfolio spreadsheet. The Web table can be refreshed manually or automatically.
  • Hyperlinking: Hyperlinks can be assigned to any spreadsheet, cell picture or button. They also can be created for Internet locations, spreadsheet ranges or objects and other files.
  • HTML features: 1-2-3 Release 9.8 includes HTML 3.2 support for opening and converting spreadsheet ranges to HTML documents. Spreadsheet-specific extensions allow 1-2-3 users to share files using HTML as a common file format while preserving important spreadsheet information such as cell colors, formats, actual numbers (e.g., p = 3.14159265, not 3.14), named ranges and number formatting. Lotus 1-2-3 also offers native HTML support with XML support.
  • Publishing Assistant: 1-2-3 Release 9.8 helps users select an entire workbook, a particular page or a selected range for Web output. The Publishing Assistant also provides options for adding a link to the original file for other users to download.
  • HTML on Clipboard: This feature selects data from browsers or Notes Release 5 and pastes it into 1-2-3 as a parsed HTML table.
File Type:Animation file
Category:Plugin file
File Description:Can by played by AudioGraph plugin for Netscape. Both Netscape and AudioGraph are old applications, not supported.
Open Programs:

Netscape Navigator

Company / developer:

Netscape Navigator

AOL has a long history on the internet, being one of the first companies to really get people online. Throughout its lifetime, it has been involved with a number of high profile acquisitions, perhaps the largest of which was the 1999 acquisition of the Netscape Communications Corporation. Netscape was known to many as the thought leader in web browsing, and had developed a number of complementary pieces of software that allowed for a rich suite of internet tools.

At the time of the acquisition, the Netscape team had begun working on converting their flagship product - the Netscape Communicator web suite - into open source software, under a new name: Mozilla. AOL played a significant role in the launch of the Netscape 6 browser, the first Mozilla-based, Netscape-branded browser that was released in 2000 and continued to solely fund the development and marketing efforts of Netscape-branded browsers. In 2003, an independent foundation was created to support the continued development of the open source web suite. AOL was a major source of support for the Mozilla Foundation and the company continued to develop versions of the Netscape browser based on the work of the foundation.

While internal groups within AOL have invested a great deal of time and energy in attempting to revive Netscape Navigator, these efforts have not been successful in gaining market share from Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Recently, support for the Netscape browser has been limited to a handful of engineers tasked with creating a skinned version of Firefox with a few extensions.

AOL's focus on transitioning to an ad-supported web business leaves little room for the size of investment needed to get the Netscape browser to a point many of its fans expect it to be. Given AOL's current business focus and the success the Mozilla Foundation has had in developing critically-acclaimed products, we feel it's the right time to end development of Netscape branded browsers, hand the reins fully to Mozilla and encourage Netscape users to adopt Firefox.

File Type:Extension, tool or filter file
Category:Plugin file
File Description:

File extension AIP entry has not yet been fully verified by team. It was added in the past to our library and appeared to be accurate.
If you know more or some useful information about AIP file extension, please send us a message by clicking on submit extension button at the top of page.

Open Programs:

Adobe Illustrator

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Explore new paths with the essential vector tool - Adobe Illustrator®

Discover new ways to experiment with color; work faster with new drawing tools and controls; and produce artwork for print, web, mobile, and motion designs with Adobe® Illustrator® software.

Adobe® Illustrator® allows you to create sophisticated artwork for virtually any medium. Industry-standard drawing tools, flexible color controls, and professional type controls help you capture your ideas and experiment freely, while timesaving features such as easier-to-access options let you work quickly and intuitively. Improved performance and tight integration with other Adobe applications also help you produce extraordinary graphics for print, web and interactive, and mobile and motion designs.

File Type:Adobe Illustrator Plugin file
Category:Plugin file
File Description:Adds new extra features in Adobe Illustrator.
Open Programs:

Adobe Creative Suite

Company / developer:
  Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe Creative Suite

Adobe Creative Suite is a collection of graphic design, video editing, and web development applications made by Adobe Systems. The latest version, Adobe Creative Suite 4 (CS4), was announced on December, 2008; it introduced Universal binaries for all major programs for the Apple Macintosh.

Adobe sells CS4 applications in six different combinations called "editions."

CS4 includes several programs, including Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks that were developed by Macromedia, a former rival acquired by Adobe in 2005.

An extra DVD is supplied with Arabic, Hebrew and North African versions of Adobe CS4 in Central European and Middle Eastern versions for language support. For example, these versions handle bi-directional text flow for easy usage in accordance to keyboard language, advanced text settings, right-to-left layout, import and export options for Middle Eastern characters, and spell checker for Middle Eastern languages. These versions are only available from WinSoft, Adobe’s internationalization and localization partner.

Creative Suite Family editions:

Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium
Adobe Creative Suite Design Standard
Adobe Creative Suite Web Premium
Adobe Creative Suite Web Standard
Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium
Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection

File Type:OM2 OMALI plug-in
Category:Plugin file
File Description:OMALI® provides for easy creation of telephone station records for transmittal to a 911 system.
Open Programs:

OM2 OMALI Professional

Company / developer:
  OM2 Technology Inc.

OM2 OMALI Professional

It's easy enough for a college student to use, robust enough for business use, and powerful enough to be used by a small telephone company.


  • Easy to understand user interface.
  • Validates station records against local MSAG.
  • Produces 911 records in any of the national accepted standard formats.
  • Reporting feature provides detailed administrative information.
  • Total solution for easily managing 911 records for small telcos and companies with large PBX's.
  • Does not require separate 911 trunks from your PBX.
  • You control the accuracy of your own 911 records.
  • Initial database development and management services are available through OM2 Technology Inc.
  • Support for communication plugins allow for easy transmission of E911 records through OM2's 911 Data Direct Services.
  • Includes new plugins for creating number ranges and changing the address on large numbers of records.
  • Faster and improved record list creation when working with large databases.
  • Supports 2 types of PBX records: Classic and VoIP/Ethernet.
  • Customer grouping of Station Records.
  • Improved support for Windows XP.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC